Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Ramadaan Eating Do's and Don'ts

During Ramadaan the statuses about food and hunger are in abundance so I thought it would be worthwhile to research the eating do's and don't to make the experience of fasting healthier for our bodies.

Foods that are high in fiber will make you feel fuller for longer and more energetic. Carbs such as bread, pasta, cereal, oatmeal and rice are good sources of fiber to have in the morning.

People experience increased gastric acidity such as a burning feeling or heaviness in their stomach during the fast this is why one should eat lots of dietary fiber. Dietary fiber triggers muscular action, churning and mixing of food, breaking food into small particles and binding bile acids. Therefore, it reduces gastric acidity, excess bile acids and prevents constipation.

Breaking fast:
When breaking fast, the body needs to get easily available energy in the form of glucose, particularly for the brain and nerve cells.
Dates and juices are great sugar sources. Three dates and one serving of juice is enough to bring low glucose levels to normal.
Veggie soup with pasta maintain water and mineral balance in the body

Supper/ main:
Eat foods from all the food groups

Meat/bean group

  • chicken, beef, lamb, fish, humus, lentils etc.
  • 1-2 servings
  • good source of proteins and minerals, beans are a good source of fiber
Bread/cereal group
  • wholewheat bread, cooked rice
  • 2 servings
  • good source of complex carbs for energy
Milk group
  • milk, yogurt, cottage cheese
  • one cup
  • dairy products are sources of proteins and calcium for body tissue maintenance
Vegetable group
  • mixed vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, cucumber etc.)
  • one cup
  • dietary fiber, vitamin A, carotene, lycopenes and phytochemicals which are antioxidants; prevents cancer and cardiovascular disease
Fruit group
  • citrus and/or other fruits
  • 1-2 servings
  • facilitates digestion, prevents gastrointestinal problems
Remember to drink lots of water before and after fasting to keep hydrated!

What to avoid during the fast:
  • high intakes of sugar
  • spicy foods, especially people who suffer from ulcers
  • caffeine, coke, tea/coffee. Caffeine is a diuretic. Gradually reduce caffeine intake before Ramadaan because a sudden decrease causes headaches, mood swings and irritability.
  • cut down on smoking because it negatively affects utilization of vitamins, metabolites and enzyme systems.

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